Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What are the 6 relationships of gas law?


There're 4 variables for gas law (pressure, volume, temp, and # of moles). How do you write 6 algebraci equations that stating these relationships? And how do you describe them? (Like y is directly proportional to x).

Thank you! And I'll choose you as the best answer if you help me solve this!What are the 6 relationships of gas law?
uhm..is this what you're looking for:


*P= k/V (Pressure is indirectly proportional to Volume)

*V = kT Volume is directly proportional to Temperature)

*P = kT (Pressure is directly proportional to Temperature)

*just manipulate the equation [ P= (nRT)/V ] to get other equationsWhat are the 6 relationships of gas law?
PV = nRT

Volume varies with temp (pressure is constant)

Pressure varies with temp (volume is constant)

Volume indirectly varies with pressure (temp is constant)

Volume varies with moles (pressure and temp are constant)

Pressure varies with moles (volume and temp are constant)
1. If you have gas you won't have any relationships.

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